Thursday, July 3, 2014

Formula for Success

Growing up I enjoyed the blessings of a father who didn’t lack much in money. Looking back I realize he spent his money on others, including me. He used his money to serve the people he loves and cares for. For example, my dad spends his money on traveling so that others can experience different cultures, learn history, and in large part, be aware of what is out there and how you can grow from those places and experiences. He would also buy not only his children braces but also our friends who needed them but couldn’t afford them. He has been an example to me all my life. Because of him I want to use my talents, time, and money to serve other people.
Whether I have money or not, I know that I will be used as an instrument in the Lord’s hands to serve my brothers and sisters. The formula for success given by President Monson is key in understanding that money isn’t everything and life is so much more than financial success. He said, “First, fill your mind with truth; second, fill you life with service; and third, fill your hear with love.” I know that if anyone were to follow this formula of success and not worry about money, everything will fall into place and the life of that individual will be happy and complete by the time his or her life is done on this earth.

Money for me is something that will be convenient and beneficial for those in my reach of service. But. Like I said earlier, if I don’t have a lot of money to spend on others, I will still use my time and talents in other places. I want to love the people I’m around and I know that if I truly want to love them the way Heavenly Father does, I will have to lose myself and focus on the one.


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