Friday, May 30, 2014


This past week we focused some of our discussions on net-working. I feel that this has been the theme of my week, so I'll focus on the things I learned about net-working.
It was today, actually that I started realizing that this week was net-work week. As I reflected on the importance and how net-working could benefit me, I realized that I could get to know the most bizarre and awesome people through net-working. I spoke with my cousin a couple months ago and we talked about net-working. He owns his own video production company and was telling me about a  video they were doing. They wanted to get a shot with the camera that went through the top of a crowd. So they used their net-working abilities and got a guy that had a zip-line company. They ended up setting up a zip-line and got the shot they wanted. He advised me to get to know anyone and everyone, not those that are just in my major or friend group. That was wise council that I'll never forget.
We talked a lot about LinkedIn and how it could be a great tool for net-working. I've been more interested in using it and modifying my LinkedIn. I'm excited to see the results I gain through using this tool. I have people I want to connect with and hopefully receive more connections through them. This world is so interesting! I can't believe the technology we have to be able to connect with people from all over the world. It's a huge blessing to have the tools and assets we enjoy today. It truly enables us to reach an individual potential that we probably would have never accomplished otherwise.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Born or Made?

This past week we went over the question: what makes an individual successful in the business world, character, skill, or luck?  We discussed the importance of each principle and decided that character is the most important key to be a successful entrepreneur, then skill and finally luck. Character is who we are and what we become. If our character is going to influence us to be successful then it must mean that we are motivated even when we are surrounded by failure, we are optimistic in times of negativity. After character comes the skills that are developed and mastered. SIDE NOTE: I learned that to master something like an instrument it takes three hours every day for ten plus years.
Luck is the last thing that sets into play. Luck includes the assets like networking, timing, and random opportunities that fall into place in your path.
We then went over The Formula that leads to a successful life. If we put these 13 principles into practice, we are guaranteed success. 1. Be proactive. 2. Begin with the end in sight. 3. Time management. 4. Think win-win. 5. Seek to understand before seeking to be understood. 6. Create synergy. 7. Sharpening the saw- constantly develop your talents. 8. Get up early. 9. Work hard. 10. Find oil-a product, idea, service that people need and want. 11. Get your education. 12. Make your mark. 13. Prepare to serve-give back.
I love this formula. Before hearing each one, I was expecting to be disappointed with one of the thirteen. I wasn't disappointed. As I think of the successful people in my life, I can visualize them doing these thirteen things. The formula makes sense and I want to obey this formula. I know that if I strive to accomplish these things then everything else will fall into place. Although I may not be a billionaire, I know I'll be happy and live a successful life with my family and friends.

Friday, May 16, 2014

I AM...

This past week I was able to reflect a lot about my own career and what I want to become. We talked about our Personal Constitution. Who do I want to become? I thought a lot about the different people I've looked up to and who I want to become. I continue to think about my dad. With the things we talk about in class I can always see my dad in them. A few of the things we talked about in class were market realities, assets, and aspirations. Thinking about these three things I was able to self-reflect and personalize it more. What is the market reality of video production in today's industry? What assets, soft and hard, do I have or will have to offer? What aspirations do I have towards video production? What do I want to do with it? Internalizing things things help me to have a better vision of who I am now and what kind of developed individual I want to become. In class we were invited to write down, "I am..." and finish the sentence. Before finishing the sentence, Brother Nygren had us think about what kinds of things we have to offer in our own industries. What makes us unique? He quoted, "One million people overseas can do your job. What is so special about you?" What is so special about me? The more I thought about this, I believe I came up with an answer that I may be now, but fully hope to become and believe I have the ability to become. I am flexibly persistent. I read about that concept in the book, The Start-up of You and it made sense to me. I want to have a plan in all things, but I believe it is more important to follow the plan Heavenly Father has, which would make me be flexible. As I have an idea of what I want to do and become, I will continually or persistently follow the guidance of my Heavenly Father and allow His will to be realized. If there was anything I took out from this class and book this week, it was who I am or who I aspire to become.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Power of Integrity

This past week was very meaningful to me. I was able to reflect on the principle of integrity. It allowed me to think of the way I live my life and how I would run a business.
In the reading "Making a Living and a Life" there were different grades of businessman in the world which include the following: A grade A business person's primary motivation is his or her love of God and fellowmen and the secondary motivation is his or her income. A grade B business person's primary motivation is money and his or her second motivation is his or her love of fellowmen. A grade C's primary motivation is his or her love of money and secondary motivation include indifference to clients and customers. The other two grades are despicable and hopefully none of us in this class reaches that low. I hope and strive to be a grade A person in life.
The talks and video clips really focused on integrity and what it means to have real integrity. One of the examples of true integrity and pure courage is the example of Joseph F. Smith. As I reflected on Joseph F. Smith's reaction, response, and eternal view on the situation, I am not amazed at how the drunk responded. Anyone who witnesses that scene would say that Joseph F. Smith was a man of true integrity and no one could do anything to take that away from him.
I especially like what Sister Dew said about deciding now to have integrity. As I pondered on that concept of deciding, I realized that there will be times in our lives where subtle temptations to neglect, reject, or even deny something will come across in our lives and we may not even realize unless we decide now to have integrity. I realize that I need to decide now to be truthful and remain worthy so people can respect and trust me. If there is anything I want to be remembered as, it would be that people knew they could trust me and knew that I was a man of integrity.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Meaning, Childhood, and Bucketlist

This past week we were able to expand our minds a little more and think of what really matters. I was taken back to my childhood; to think of how I viewed “the future” in which I am that much closer to now that I’m in college.
One of the videos we watched was a speech given by Randy Paush, which happened to be known as his last speech. In his speech he said that doctors had told him that he was expected to live only a few more months because of his illness. He ended up dying a few months later, but people don’t remember him by his death, rather they remember him by his life and what he lived for. He, in my mind, lived a life of significance. He started off by listing off his childhood dreams. The rest of his speech was how he accomplished those childhood dreams in one way or another.
I learned so much about how to face challenges and adversity. I was reminded of how valuable time is here on earth. It made sense to me why this video of Randy’s last speech would be shown in the intro to entrepreneurship class. As we go out and attempt to create, build and manage our own companies, we need to always remember that we have the capacity and ability to accomplish anything. When we are children we have huge dreams that to adults may seem impossible and stupid. Randy reminded me that my childhood dreams have meaning behind them and they are worth something to me and to those who I can possible affect. The question is, am I willing to have courage and accomplish my dreams?
We then were assigned to create a bucket list of 50 things we want to accomplish before we die. I was surprised at how quickly I thought of my 50 things. This was a great exercise. I realized I had subconscious desires to do some amazing things. Some of the things I want to accomplish are the following: interview all 12 Apostles, camp by myself for a week without any human contact, save a child from a burning building, be a motivational speaker, tip a waiter/waitress $500, and teach students everything I know learned during my lifetime.  
This exercise enabled me to see what some of my passions are and what I really want to become when I am an entrepreneur.